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Videos of top players.

C. Viper Vs. Rufus
C. Viper Rufus

Matchup Difficulty For C. Viper: 6/10 Matchup Difficulty For Rufus: 4/10

Top Ranked C. Viper Players Top Ranked Rufus Players
     [Japan] Joe じょえ      [Japan] Kindevu
     [Japan] Dashio だしお      [Japan] Haitani
     [Japan] R      [Japan] Suzuka
     [United States] Kensou      [United States] Justin Wong
     [Japan] Kaqn      [United States] Martin “Marn” Phan
     [Japan] Kindevu      [United States] Kentaro "Sextaro/Ken I" Inoue
     [Japan] FZ
     [Japan] Uryo
     [United States] Peter “Combofiend” Rosas

1 - Kindevu (Rufus) vs. Dashio (C.Viper)

Round 1: Viper
Round 2: Rufus
Round 3: Rufus

2 - Kindevu (Rufus) vs. Dashio (C.Viper)

Round 1: Rufus
Round 2: Rufus

3 - Inoue (Rufus) vs. Joe (C.Viper)

Round 1: Viper
Round 2: Rufus
Round 3: Viper

4 - FZ (C.Viper) vs. Zakiyama (Rufus)

Round 1: Viper
Round 2: Rufus
Round 3: Rufus
Round 4: Viper
Round 5: Rufus

5 - Kaqn (C.Viper) vs. Goshio (Rufus)

Match 1
Round 1: Rufus
Round 2: Viper
Round 3: Viper
Round 4: Rufus
Round 5: Rufus

6 - FZ (C.Viper) vs. Goshio (Rufus)

Round 1: Viper
Round 2: Viper
Round 3: Rufus
Round 4: Rufus
Round 5: Rufus

7 - Ikuo (Rufus) vs. Dashio (C.Viper)

Round 1: Viper
Round 2: Viper

8 - ON1A (C.Viper) vs. Nanashi (Rufus)

Round 1: Rufus
Round 2: Rufus
Round 3: Viper
Round 4: Viper
Round 5: Viper

9 - ??? (C.Viper) vs. ??? (Rufus)

Round 1: Viper
Round 2: Viper

10 - ??? (Rufus) vs. ??? (C.Viper)

(starts at 5:24)
Round 1: Rufus
Round 2: Viper
Round 3: Rufus
Date Recorded: 4-10-09

11 - Marn (Rufus) vs. Damdai (C.Viper)

Round 1: Rufus
Round 2: Rufus
Date Posted: 6-13-09

12 - Ken I "Sextaro" (Rufus) vs. ComboFiend (C.Viper)

(starts at 5:27)
Round 1: Viper
Round 2: Rufus
Round 3: Viper
Date Recorded: 6-6-09

13 - Shuu (Rufus) vs. Dashi Makitamago (C.Viper)

(starts at 1:51)
Round 1: Viper
Round 2: Viper
Date Recorded: 5-10-09

14 - Justin Wong (Rufus) vs. Marn (C.Viper)

Round 1: Rufus
Round 2: Rufus
Date Recorded: 8-22-09

15 - Justin Wong (Rufus) vs. Marn (C.Viper)

Round 1: Rufus
Round 2: Rufus
Date Recorded: 8-22-09

16 - Marn (C.Viper) vs. Justin Wong (Rufus)

Match 1
(starts at 2:03)
Round 1: Rufus
Round 2: Viper
Round 3: Viper
Match 2
(starts at 4:39)
Round 1: Rufus
Round 2: Rufus
Match 3
(starts at 6:08)
Round 1: Rufus
Round 2: Rufus
Date Recorded: 8-23-09